Validate Fare Method
Flight validate method is used to determine the Availability of the selected fare by re-pricing. If the selected fare is not available, this service will return as false, then Booking for the selected airline need to terminate. This method required to execute before the Booking method as well.
Revalidate Request
Method | URL |
POST | |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description | Example |
session_id | string | Yes | Session_id is a token granted on flight availablity search and is available in the success Availability search response. | 7906efba-09db-4481-8c60-0d7f5b5e6c44 |
fare_source_code | string | Yes | Unique fare/flight Option identification code | MTY2ODE2Njg2Ml8yNjA5Mzk |
fare_source_code_inbound | string | No | Unique fare/flight Option identification code of Inbound segment, from Türkiye Domestic RoundTrip Search. | 7906efba-09db-4481-8c60-0d7f5b5e6c44 |
Response Parameters
# | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description | Example |
AirRevalidateResult | Sub Array | Yes | The relvalidated details of Selected itinerary are available here. | ||
IsValid | Boolean | Yes | It specifies whether the fare is valid or not | True / False | |
FareItineraries | Nested Array | Yes | |||
FareItinerary | Nested Array | Yes | |||
0 | SequenceNumber | string | Yes | ||
1 | DirectionInd | string | Yes | It specifies the type of travel (OneWay, Return, Circle) | OneWay |
2 | IsPassportMandatory | Boolean | Yes | It specifies whether the passport details are needed when a Booking is made (passportNo, passportIssueCountry, passportExpiryDate). | True / False |
3 | IsPassportFullDetailsMandatory | Boolean | Yes | It specifies whether the PassportIssueDate is needed along with passportNo, passportIssueCountry & passportExpiryDate when a Booking is made. | True / False |
4 | OriginDestinationOptions | Nested Array | Yes | ||
4.1 | TotalStops | Int | Yes | It specifies the total number of stops of the itinerary. | 1 |
4.2 | OriginDestinationOption | Nested Array | Yes | ||
4.2.1 | FlightSegment | Nested Array | Yes | || | ArrivalAirportLocationCode | string | Yes | Arrival Airport code. | BOM | | ArrivalDateTime | DateTime | Yes | It specific the arrival date & time. | 2024-10-07 04:08:13 | | CabinClassCode | string | Yes | It specifies the selected cabin class. (Y-Economy, S-Premium Economy, C-Business, F- First). | Y | | CabinClassText | string | No | It returns the cabin class type only in case of LCC / WebFares. | REGULAR FARE | | DepartureAirportLocationCode | string | Yes | Departure Airport code. | DEL | | DepartureDateTime | DateTime | Yes | It specifies flight departure date & time. | 2024-10-06 04:08:13 | | Eticket | Boolean | Yes | It specifies whether the flight segment is e-ticketable or not. | True / False | | JourneyDuration | Int | Yes | It specifies the total journey duration in minutes. | 400 | | FlightNumber | string | Yes | It specifies the flight number. | 6278 | | MarketingAirlineCode | string | Yes | It specifies the Marketing Airline Code. | 6E | | MarriageGroup | string | No | It specifies the marriage group indicator | O | | MealCode | string | No | It specifies the meal preference selected. | S | | OperatingAirline | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the Operating airline details. | - | | Code | string | Yes | OperatingOperating airline code. | 6E | | Equipment | string | Yes | It specifies the Operating aircraft equipment number | M90 | | FlightNumber | string | Yes | It specifies the Operating flight number. | 6278 |
4.2.2 | ResBookDesigCode | string | No | It specifies the Booking class. | E |
4.2.3 | ResBookDesigText | string | No | It returns the fare type only in case of LCC / WebFares. | Lowest Fare |
4.2.4 | StopQuantity | Int | Yes | It specifies the number of stops. | 1 |
4.2.5 | StopQuantityInfo | Sub Array | Yes | ||
4.2.6 | SeatsRemaining | Sub Array | Yes | || | Number | string | Yes | It specifies the number of seats remaining. | 8 | | BelowMinimum | Boolean | Yes | It is used to specify if the seats are < or = zero | True / False |
5 | AirItineraryFareInfo | Sub Array | Yes | Contains the fare details. | |
5.1 | DivideInPartyIndicator | Boolean | Yes | It is used to alert if passenger types have different Booking code | True / False |
5.2 | FareSourceCode | string | Yes | It specifies the unique code provided for the itinerary selected | MzAwMiYzN 1MyJjF |
5.3 | FareType | string | Yes | It specifies the type of fare selected, ((Private-Private Fares, Public- Public fares, WebFare- LCC) | Private |
5.4 | IsRefundable | Boolean | Yes | It specifies whether the selected fare is valid or not. | True / False |
5.5 | ItinTotalFares | Sub Array | Yes | ||
5.5.1 | BaseFare | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base fare details. | |
5.5.2 | EquivFare | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base fare details. | |
5.5.3 | ServiceTax | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base service tax details. | |
5.5.4 | TotalTax | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base total tax details. | |
5.5.5 | TotalFare | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the total fare details. | |
5.6 | FareBreakdown | Nested Array | Yes | Contain the passenger wise fare and baggage details. | |
5.6.1 | PassengerTypeQuantity | Sub Array | Yes | || | Code | String | Yes | It specifies the passenger type. (ADT-Adult, CHD-Child, INF-Infant). | ADT | | Quantity | Int | Yes | It specifies the number of passengers. | 2 |
5.6.2 | PassengerFare | Sub Array | Yes | || | BaseFare | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base fare details. | | | EquivFare | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base fare details. | | | ServiceTax | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base service tax details. | | | Surcharges | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the base Surcharges details. | | | Taxes | Nested Array | Yes | Contain the base tax details. | | | TotalFare | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the total fare details. | |
5.6.3 | Baggage | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the airline wise Cabbage details. | |
5.6.4 | CabinBaggage | Sub Array | Yes | Contain the airline wise Cabin Cabbage details. | |
6 | ValidatingAirlineCode | string | Yes | It specifies the validating airline. | BA |
7 | RequiredFieldsToBook | JSON Array | Yes | It specifies the information passenger needs to pass during the book call. Sample: Passport / DOB | Passport |
8 | ExtraServices | Nested Array | Yes | It holds the list of services available for the selected flight option. | |
8.1 | Services | Nested Array | Yes | ||
8.1.1 | Service | Nested Array | Yes | It indicates an individual service which holds details of the specific extra service. | | | Type | String | Yes | It indicates the type of the respective service and holds one of these values (BAGGAGE, MEAL, SPEEDY_BOARDING or CHECKIN_CHARGE). | BAGGAGE | | IsMandatory | Boolean | Yes | It specifies whether the service is mandatory or not. | True / False | | Relation | Int | Yes | This is a comma separated values of the extra service ID’s with which the selected service has a relation with. In the above example, <Relation> tag returned as 2, 3 which indicate that the specific extra service is related with the two extra service ID’s 2 & 3. Along with the current service, these 2 & 3 extra service ID can be selected depending on whether they are mandatory or not. | 13 | | Description | String | Yes | Brief description of the specific service. | 1 bags(s) || Total Weight: 32Kg | | Behavior | String | Yes |
This element determines the eligibility / restrictions on the selected service. Possible values (GROUP_PAX, PER_PAX, GROUP_PAX_INBOUND,GROUP_PAX_OUTBOUND, PER_PAX_INBOUND, PER_PAX_OUTBOUND)
PER_PAX | | ServiceId | Int | Yes | It specifies the unique identification number for the extra service. | 1 | | CheckInType | String | Yes | It determines the check-in type of the flight whether it is Online or Airport check-in. | Airport | | ServiceCost | Nested Array | Yes | It holds the information of the extra service. | | | Amount | Float | Yes | It specifies the service cost. | 10.23 | | CurrencyCode | String | Yes | It indicates the currency code of the service cost. | USD | | DecimalPlaces | Int | Yes | It specifies the number of decimal places | 2 |
Important Notes
- • Türkiye Domestic RoundTrip - In case of Türkiye domestic round trip, the Revalidated Outbound & Inbound itinerary details will be available separately. The Outbound results will be available in the AirRevalidateResult parameter and the Inbound results will be available in the AirRevalidateResultInbound parameter.
- • IsPassportMandatory – It specifies whether the passport details are needed when a Booking is made.
- • RequiredFieldsToBook – This parameter is mandatory to be checked properly before initiating Booking method. If any of the field from RequiredFieldsToBook parameter is missing in the Booking request, that may cause Booking error.
Sample Request
{ "session_id": "MTY2ODE2Njg2Ml8yNjA5Mzk=", "fare_source_code": "Sk5BUjhNem5ZMTJJMkNqY0g5VUtONWwzVjBaMTl2YkNYNURIbXp0NEQ4RVpRbWx1NkJiazl1WFcra2ppSzhsVHlreWU0ZHlQV1M2dTVwdnFYaDZYaThRWmNJR3Y4NDhYRWo1U2IzT3lLcS9LVWFUOU4zNklhc0pBM01pK1c3dWRoeXpQUXBlVStrTFFuRXlCUXQyaW50c0s3aEV5K0NkdGhNTjIrU0RlcFh3PQ==" }
Sample Error Response
{ "Errors": { "ErrorCode": "FLFLHOTSEARCHVAL", "ErrorMessage": "session_id required" } }
Sample Failed Response
{ "AirRevalidateResponse": { "AirRevalidateResult": { "IsValid": "false", "FareItineraries": [], "ExtraServices": { "Services": [] } } } }
Sample Success Response
{ "AirRevalidateResponse": { "AirRevalidateResult": { "IsValid": true, "FareItineraries": { "FareItinerary": { "AirItineraryFareInfo": { "DivideInPartyIndicator": false, "FareSourceCode": "Sk5BUjhNem5ZMTJJMkNqY0g5VUtONWwzVjBaMTl2YkNYNURIbXp0NEQ4RVpRbWx1NkJiazl1WFcra2ppSzhsVHlreWU0ZHlQV1M2dTVwdnFYaDZYaThRWmNJR3Y4NDhYRWo1U2IzT3lLcS9LVWFUOU4zNklhc0pBM01pK1c3dWRoeXpQUXBlVStrTFFuRXlCUXQyaW50c0s3aEV5K0NkdGhNTjIrU0RlcFh3PQ==", "FareInfos": [ { "FareReference": "X" }, { "FareReference": "X" } ], "FareType": "Private", "ResultIndex": "", "IsRefundable": "No", "ItinTotalFares": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "399.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "399.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "2.53", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "TotalTax": { "Amount": "137.39", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "TotalFare": { "Amount": "536.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "FareBreakdown": [ { "FareBasisCode": [], "Baggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "CabinBaggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "PassengerFare": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "242.02", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "242.02", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "1.65", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Surcharges": { "Amount": "0.00", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Taxes": [ { "Amount": "11.69", "TaxCode": "ASF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.48", "TaxCode": "PHF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.54", "TaxCode": "UDF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "24.76", "TaxCode": "TTF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "4.83", "TaxCode": "07GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "5.08", "TaxCode": "27GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.25", "TaxCode": "PSF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "3.52", "TaxCode": null, "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.48", "TaxCode": "RCF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.65", "TaxCode": "GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } ], "TotalFare": { "Amount": "302.27", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "PassengerTypeQuantity": { "Code": "ADT", "Quantity": 2 } }, { "FareBasisCode": [], "Baggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "CabinBaggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "PassengerFare": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "121.01", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "121.01", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "0.82", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Surcharges": { "Amount": "0.00", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Taxes": [ { "Amount": "5.84", "TaxCode": "ASF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.24", "TaxCode": "PHF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "0.77", "TaxCode": "UDF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "12.38", "TaxCode": "TTF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.41", "TaxCode": "07GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.54", "TaxCode": "27GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.13", "TaxCode": "PSF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.76", "TaxCode": null, "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.24", "TaxCode": "RCF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "0.82", "TaxCode": "GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } ], "TotalFare": { "Amount": "151.14", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "PassengerTypeQuantity": { "Code": "CHD", "Quantity": 1 } }, { "FareBasisCode": [], "Baggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "CabinBaggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "PassengerFare": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "36.16", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "36.16", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "0.06", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Surcharges": { "Amount": "0.00", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Taxes": [ { "Amount": "46.94", "TaxCode": "XT", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "0.06", "TaxCode": "GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } ], "TotalFare": { "Amount": "83.16", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "PassengerTypeQuantity": { "Code": "INF", "Quantity": 1 } } ], "SplitItinerary": "" }, "DirectionInd": "Return", "IsPassportMandatory": false, "IsPassportFullDetailsMandatory": false, "FirstNameCharacterLimit": 58, "LastNameCharacterLimit": 58, "PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60, "OriginDestinationOptions": [ { "TotalStops": 0, "OriginDestinationOption": [ { "FlightSegment": { "ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "BOM", "ArrivalDateTime": "2024-10-07 04:08:13", "CabinClassCode": "Y", "CabinClassText": "REGULAR FARE", "DepartureAirportLocationCode": "DEL", "DepartureDateTime": "2024-10-06 04:08:13", "Eticket": true, "FlightNumber": "5342", "JourneyDuration": 135, "MarketingAirlineCode": "6E", "MarketingAirlineName": "Indigo Airlines", "MarriageGroup": "", "MealCode": "", "OperatingAirline": { "Code": "6E", "Name": "Indigo Airlines", "Equipment": "320", "FlightNumber": "5342" } }, "ResBookDesigCode": "X", "ResBookDesigText": "REGULAR FARE", "SeatsRemaining": { "BelowMinimum": false, "Number": 4 }, "StopQuantity": 0, "StopQuantityInfo": { "ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "Duration": 0, "LocationCode": "" } } ] }, { "TotalStops": 0, "OriginDestinationOption": [ { "FlightSegment": { "ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "DEL", "ArrivalDateTime": "2024-10-07 04:08:13", "CabinClassCode": "Y", "CabinClassText": "REGULAR FARE", "DepartureAirportLocationCode": "BOM", "DepartureDateTime": "2024-10-06 04:08:13", "Eticket": true, "FlightNumber": "439", "JourneyDuration": 125, "MarketingAirlineCode": "6E", "MarketingAirlineName": "Indigo Airlines", "MarriageGroup": "", "MealCode": "", "OperatingAirline": { "Code": "6E", "Name": "Indigo Airlines", "Equipment": "320", "FlightNumber": "439" } }, "ResBookDesigCode": "X", "ResBookDesigText": "REGULAR FARE", "SeatsRemaining": { "BelowMinimum": false, "Number": 4 }, "StopQuantity": 0, "StopQuantityInfo": { "ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "Duration": 0, "LocationCode": "" } } ] } ], "RequiredFieldsToBook": [], "SequenceNumber": 1, "TicketType": "eTicket", "ValidatingAirlineCode": "6E" } }, "ExtraServices": { "Services": [ { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 3kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "18.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "1", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 3kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "18.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "2", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 5kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "30.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "3", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 5kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "30.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "4", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 10kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "61.90", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "5", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 10kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "61.90", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "6", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "92.85", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "7", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "92.85", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "8", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 20kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "123.80", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "9", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 20kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "123.80", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "10", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 30kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "185.70", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "11", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 30kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "185.70", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "12", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 8kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "19.81", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "13", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 8kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "19.81", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "14", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "37.14", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "15", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "37.14", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "16", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 30kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "74.28", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "17", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 30kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "74.28", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "18", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Muesli with yogurt (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "19", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "2 Dips with Baked Pita(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "20", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Samosa ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "2.48", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "21", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Banana chips ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "22", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "CASHEW (SALTED) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.32", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "23", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "UNIBIC CHOCOLATE CHIPS COOKIES - 50 GM ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "1.86", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "24", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Veg Trio Sandwich(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "25", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Tomato Cucumber Cheese Lettuce Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "26", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Paneer Tikka Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "27", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Non veg trio sandwich (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "28", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "RAVA UPMA Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "29", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "POHA Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "2.79", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "30", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Jain Meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.10", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "31", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chinese Fried Rice ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "32", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "DAL CHAWAL Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "33", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "VEG BIRYANI Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "34", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Vegetarian Meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.71", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "35", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Non-Vegetarian Meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.33", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "36", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Glutten free Non veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "37", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken Junglee Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "38", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken cucumber tomato sandwich (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "39", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken Supreme Salad(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "40", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Diabetic Non Veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "41", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Fasting meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "42", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken Tikka Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "43", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Child meal Veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "44", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Child meal Non Veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "45", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Child meal Veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "46", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Child meal Non Veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "47", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "CASHEW (SALTED) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.32", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "48", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Fasting meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "49", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Diabetic Non Veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "50", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Glutten free Non veg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "51", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken cucumber tomato sandwich (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "52", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken Supreme Salad(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "53", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken Junglee Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "54", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chicken Tikka Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.26", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "55", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Vegetarian Meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.71", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "56", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "POHA Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "2.79", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "57", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "RAVA UPMA Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "58", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Non veg trio sandwich (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "59", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Tomato Cucumber Cheese Lettuce Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "60", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Paneer Tikka Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "61", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Non-Vegetarian Meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.33", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "62", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Veg Trio Sandwich(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "63", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "UNIBIC CHOCOLATE CHIPS COOKIES - 50 GM ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "1.86", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "64", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Samosa ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "2.48", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "65", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Banana chips ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "66", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "2 Dips with Baked Pita(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "67", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Muesli with yogurt (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "68", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "DAL CHAWAL Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "69", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "VEG BIRYANI Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "70", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Chinese Fried Rice ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "71", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Jain Meal ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.10", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "72", "Type": "Meal" } } ] } } } }
Ücret Doğrulama Metodu
Uçuş doğrulama metodu, seçilen tarifelerin müsaitliğini yeniden fiyatlandırarak belirlemek için kullanılır. Eğer seçilen tarife mevcut değilse, bu hizmet false dönecektir ve seçilen havayolu için rezervasyon işlemi sonlandırılmalıdır. Bu metot, rezervasyon metodundan önce çalıştırılmalıdır.
Yeniden Doğrulama İsteği
Metot | URL |
POST | |
İstek Parametreleri
Parametre | Veri Tipi | Zorunlu | Açıklama | Örnek |
session_id | string | Yes | Session_id, uçuş müsaitlik aramasında verilen bir tokendır ve başarılı müsaitlik arama yanıtında bulunur. | 7906efba-09db-4481-8c60-0d7f5b5e6c44 |
fare_source_code | string | Yes | Benzersiz ücret/uçuş seçeneği tanımlama kodu. | MTY2ODE2Njg2Ml8yNjA5Mzk |
fare_source_code_inbound | string | No | Türkiye Yurtiçi Gidiş-Dönüş Aramasından gelen Dönüş segmentin benzersiz ücret/uçuş seçeneği tanımlama kodu. | 7906efba-09db-4481-8c60-0d7f5b5e6c44 |
Response Parameters
# | Parametre | Veri Tipi | Zorunlu | Açıklama | Örnek |
AirRevalidateResult | Sub Array | Yes | Seçilen seyahatin yeniden doğrulanan ayrıntıları burada mevcuttur. | ||
IsValid | Boolean | Yes | Ücretin geçerli olup olmadığını belirtir. | True / False | |
FareItineraries | Nested Array | Yes | |||
FareItinerary | Nested Array | Yes | |||
0 | SequenceNumber | string | Yes | ||
1 | DirectionInd | string | Yes | Seyahat türünü belirtir (OneWay, Return, Circle) | OneWay |
2 | IsPassportMandatory | Boolean | Yes | Bir rezervasyon yapıldığında pasaport bilgilerinin gerekli olup olmadığını belirtir (passportNo, passportIssueCountry, passportExpiryDate). | True / False |
3 | IsPassportFullDetailsMandatory | Boolean | Yes | Bir rezervasyon yapıldığında PassportNo, passportIssueCountry ve passportExpiryDate ile birlikte PassportIssueDate'in gerekli olup olmadığını belirtir. | True / False |
4 | OriginDestinationOptions | Nested Array | Yes | ||
4.1 | TotalStops | Int | Yes | Güzergahın toplam durak sayısını belirtir. | 1 |
4.2 | OriginDestinationOption | Nested Array | Yes | ||
4.2.1 | FlightSegment | Nested Array | Yes | || | ArrivalAirportLocationCode | string | Yes | Varış Havalimanı kodu. | BOM | | ArrivalDateTime | DateTime | Yes | Varış tarihi ve saatini belirtir. | 2024-10-07 04:08:13 | | CabinClassCode | string | Yes | Seçilen kabin sınıfını belirtir. (Y-Economy, S-Premium Economy, C-Business, F- First). | Y | | CabinClassText | string | No | Yalnızca LCC / WebFares durumunda kabin sınıfı türünü döndürür. | REGULAR FARE | | DepartureAirportLocationCode | string | Yes | Kalkış Havalimanı kodu. | DEL | | DepartureDateTime | DateTime | Yes | Uçuş kalkış tarihi ve saatini belirtir. | 2024-10-06 04:08:13 | | Eticket | Boolean | Yes | Uçuş segmentinin e-biletlenebilir olup olmadığını belirtir. | True / False | | JourneyDuration | Int | Yes | Toplam yolculuk süresini dakika cinsinden belirtir. | 400 | | FlightNumber | string | Yes | Uçuş numarasını belirtir. | 6278 | | MarketingAirlineCode | string | Yes | Pazarlama Havayolu Kodunu belirtir. | 6E | | MarriageGroup | string | No | Evlilik grubu göstergesini belirtir | O | | MealCode | string | No | Seçilen öğün tercihini belirtir. | S | | OperatingAirline | Sub Array | Yes | İşletme havayolu detaylarını içerir. | - | | Code | string | Yes | İşletme havayolu kodu. | 6E | | Equipment | string | Yes | İşletme hava aracı ekipman numarasını belirtir | M90 | | FlightNumber | string | Yes | İşletme uçuş numarasını belirtir. | 6278 |
4.2.2 | ResBookDesigCode | string | No | Rezervasyon sınıfını belirtir. | E |
4.2.3 | ResBookDesigText | string | No | Yalnızca LCC / WebFares durumunda ücret türünü döndürür. | Lowest Fare |
4.2.4 | StopQuantity | Int | Yes | Durak sayısını belirtir. | 1 |
4.2.5 | StopQuantityInfo | Sub Array | Yes | ||
4.2.6 | SeatsRemaining | Sub Array | Yes | || | Number | string | Yes | Kalan koltuk sayısını belirtir. | 8 | | BelowMinimum | Boolean | Yes | Koltukların < or = zero olup olmadığını belirtmek için kullanılır | True / False |
5 | AirItineraryFareInfo | Sub Array | Yes | Ücret detaylarını içerir. | |
5.1 | DivideInPartyIndicator | Boolean | Yes | Yolcu tiplerinin farklı rezervasyon koduna sahip olması durumunda uyarı vermek için kullanılır | True / False |
5.2 | FareSourceCode | string | Yes | Seçilen güzergah için sağlanan benzersiz kodu belirtir | MzAwMiYzN 1MyJjF |
5.3 | FareType | string | Yes | Seçilen ücret türünü belirtir, (Private-Private Fares, Public- Public fares, WebFare- LCC) | Private |
5.4 | IsRefundable | Boolean | Yes | Seçilen ücretin geçerli olup olmadığını belirtir. | True / False |
5.5 | ItinTotalFares | Sub Array | Yes | ||
5.5.1 | BaseFare | Sub Array | Yes | Temel ücret detaylarını içerir. | |
5.5.2 | EquivFare | Sub Array | Yes | Temel ücret detaylarını içerir. | |
5.5.3 | ServiceTax | Sub Array | Yes | Temel hizmet vergisi detaylarını içerir. | |
5.5.4 | TotalTax | Sub Array | Yes | Temel toplam vergi detaylarını içerir. | |
5.5.5 | TotalFare | Sub Array | Yes | Toplam ücret detaylarını içerir. | |
5.6 | FareBreakdown | Nested Array | Yes | Yolcu bazında ücret ve bagaj detaylarını içerir. | |
5.6.1 | PassengerTypeQuantity | Sub Array | Yes | || | Code | String | Yes | Yolcu tipini belirtir. (ADT-Adult, CHD-Child, INF-Infant). | ADT | | Quantity | Int | Yes | Yolcuların sayısını belirtir. | 2 |
5.6.2 | PassengerFare | Sub Array | Yes | || | BaseFare | Sub Array | Yes | Temel ücret detaylarını içerir. | | | EquivFare | Sub Array | Yes | Temel ücret detaylarını içerir. | | | ServiceTax | Sub Array | Yes | Temel hizmet vergisi detaylarını içerir. | | | Surcharges | Sub Array | Yes | Temel Ek Ücret detaylarını içerir. | | | Taxes | Nested Array | Yes | Temel vergi detaylarını içerir. | | | TotalFare | Sub Array | Yes | Toplam ücret detaylarını içerir. | |
5.6.3 | Baggage | Sub Array | Yes | Havayolu bazında bagaj detaylarını içerir. | |
5.6.4 | CabinBaggage | Sub Array | Yes | Havayolu bazında kabin bagajı detaylarını içerir. | |
6 | ValidatingAirlineCode | string | Yes | Doğrulama havayolunu belirtir. | BA |
7 | RequiredFieldsToBook | JSON Array | Yes | Bu, yolcunun rezervasyon sırasında iletmesi gereken bilgileri belirtir. Örnek: Passport / DOB | Passport |
8 | ExtraServices | Nested Array | Yes | Seçilen uçuş seçeneği için mevcut hizmetlerin listesini tutar. | |
8.1 | Services | Nested Array | Yes | ||
8.1.1 | Service | Nested Array | Yes | Belirli bir ekstra hizmetin ayrıntılarını tutan bireysel bir hizmeti gösterir. | | | Type | String | Yes | İlgili hizmetin türünü belirtir ve şu değerlerden birini içerir (BAGGAGE, MEAL, SPEEDY_BOARDING veya CHECKIN_CHARGE). | BAGGAGE | | IsMandatory | Boolean | Yes | Hizmetin zorunlu olup olmadığını belirtir. | True / False | | Relation | Int | Yes | Bu, seçilen hizmetin ilişkili olduğu ek hizmet ID'lerinin virgülle ayrılmış değerleridir. Yukarıdaki örnekte, < Relation > etiketi 2 ve 3 olarak döndürülmüştür, bu da belirli bir ek hizmetin 2 ve 3 numaralı ek hizmet ID'leri ile ilişkili olduğunu gösterir. Mevcut hizmet ile birlikte, bu 2 ve 3 ek hizmet ID'leri, zorunlu olup olmalarına bağlı olarak seçilebilir. | 13 | | Description | String | Yes | Belirli bir hizmetin kısa açıklaması. | 1 bags(s) || Total Weight: 32Kg | | Behavior | String | Yes |
Bu eleman seçilen hizmet üzerindeki uygunluğu/kısıtlamaları belirler. Olası değerler (GROUP_PAX, PER_PAX, GROUP_PAX_INBOUND,GROUP_PAX_OUTBOUND, PER_PAX_INBOUND, PER_PAX_OUTBOUND)
PER_PAX | | ServiceId | Int | Yes | Ekstra hizmet için benzersiz kimlik numarasını belirtir. | 1 | | CheckInType | String | Yes | Uçuşun check-in türünün Online veya Havaalanı check-in olup olmadığını belirler. | Airport | | ServiceCost | Nested Array | Yes | Ekstra hizmetin bilgilerini tutar. | | | Amount | Float | Yes | Hizmet maliyetini belirtir. | 10.23 | | CurrencyCode | String | Yes | Hizmet maliyetinin para birimi kodunu gösterir. | USD | | DecimalPlaces | Int | Yes | Ondalık basamak sayısını belirtir | 2 |
Önemli Notlar
- • Türkiye Yurtiçi Gidiş Dönüş - Türkiye iç hat gidiş-dönüş seyahati durumunda, yeniden doğrulanan Gidiş ve Dönüş seyahat ayrıntıları ayrı olarak sunulacaktır. Gidiş sonuçları AirRevalidateResult parametresinde ve Dönüş sonuçları AirRevalidateResultInbound parametresinde bulunacaktır.
- • IsPassportMandatory – Bir rezervasyon yapıldığında pasaport bilgilerine ihtiyaç olup olmadığını belirtir.
- • RequiredFieldsToBook – Bu parametre, rezervasyon yöntemini başlatmadan önce doğru bir şekilde kontrol edilmelidir. Eğer RequiredFieldsToBook parametresindeki herhangi bir alan rezervasyon talebinde eksikse, bu rezervasyon hatasına yol açabilir.
Örnek İstek
{ "session_id": "MTY2ODE2Njg2Ml8yNjA5Mzk=", "fare_source_code": "Sk5BUjhNem5ZMTJJMkNqY0g5VUtONWwzVjBaMTl2YkNYNURIbXp0NEQ4RVpRbWx1NkJiazl1WFcra2ppSzhsVHlreWU0ZHlQV1M2dTVwdnFYaDZYaThRWmNJR3Y4NDhYRWo1U2IzT3lLcS9LVWFUOU4zNklhc0pBM01pK1c3dWRoeXpQUXBlVStrTFFuRXlCUXQyaW50c0s3aEV5K0NkdGhNTjIrU0RlcFh3PQ==" }
Örnek Hata Yanıtı
{ "Errors": { "ErrorCode": "FLFLHOTSEARCHVAL", "ErrorMessage": "session_id required" } }
Örnek Başarısız Yanıt
{ "AirRevalidateResponse": { "AirRevalidateResult": { "IsValid": "false", "FareItineraries": [], "ExtraServices": { "Services": [] } } } }
Örnek Başarı Yanıtı
{ "AirRevalidateResponse": { "AirRevalidateResult": { "IsValid": true, "FareItineraries": { "FareItinerary": { "AirItineraryFareInfo": { "DivideInPartyIndicator": false, "FareSourceCode": "Sk5BUjhNem5ZMTJJMkNqY0g5VUtONWwzVjBaMTl2YkNYNURIbXp0NEQ4RVpRbWx1NkJiazl1WFcra2ppSzhsVHlreWU0ZHlQV1M2dTVwdnFYaDZYaThRWmNJR3Y4NDhYRWo1U2IzT3lLcS9LVWFUOU4zNklhc0pBM01pK1c3dWRoeXpQUXBlVStrTFFuRXlCUXQyaW50c0s3aEV5K0NkdGhNTjIrU0RlcFh3PQ==", "FareInfos": [ { "FareReference": "X" }, { "FareReference": "X" } ], "FareType": "Private", "ResultIndex": "", "IsRefundable": "No", "ItinTotalFares": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "399.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "399.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "2.53", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "TotalTax": { "Amount": "137.39", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "TotalFare": { "Amount": "536.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "FareBreakdown": [ { "FareBasisCode": [], "Baggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "CabinBaggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "PassengerFare": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "242.02", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "242.02", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "1.65", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Surcharges": { "Amount": "0.00", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Taxes": [ { "Amount": "11.69", "TaxCode": "ASF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.48", "TaxCode": "PHF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.54", "TaxCode": "UDF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "24.76", "TaxCode": "TTF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "4.83", "TaxCode": "07GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "5.08", "TaxCode": "27GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.25", "TaxCode": "PSF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "3.52", "TaxCode": null, "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.48", "TaxCode": "RCF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.65", "TaxCode": "GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } ], "TotalFare": { "Amount": "302.27", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "PassengerTypeQuantity": { "Code": "ADT", "Quantity": 2 } }, { "FareBasisCode": [], "Baggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "CabinBaggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "PassengerFare": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "121.01", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "121.01", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "0.82", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Surcharges": { "Amount": "0.00", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Taxes": [ { "Amount": "5.84", "TaxCode": "ASF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.24", "TaxCode": "PHF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "0.77", "TaxCode": "UDF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "12.38", "TaxCode": "TTF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.41", "TaxCode": "07GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "2.54", "TaxCode": "27GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.13", "TaxCode": "PSF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.76", "TaxCode": null, "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "1.24", "TaxCode": "RCF", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "0.82", "TaxCode": "GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } ], "TotalFare": { "Amount": "151.14", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "PassengerTypeQuantity": { "Code": "CHD", "Quantity": 1 } }, { "FareBasisCode": [], "Baggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "CabinBaggage": [ "SB", "SB" ], "PassengerFare": { "BaseFare": { "Amount": "36.16", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "EquivFare": { "Amount": "36.16", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceTax": { "Amount": "0.06", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Surcharges": { "Amount": "0.00", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "Taxes": [ { "Amount": "46.94", "TaxCode": "XT", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, { "Amount": "0.06", "TaxCode": "GST", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } ], "TotalFare": { "Amount": "83.16", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 } }, "PassengerTypeQuantity": { "Code": "INF", "Quantity": 1 } } ], "SplitItinerary": "" }, "DirectionInd": "Return", "IsPassportMandatory": false, "IsPassportFullDetailsMandatory": false, "FirstNameCharacterLimit": 58, "LastNameCharacterLimit": 58, "PaxNameCharacterLimit": 60, "OriginDestinationOptions": [ { "TotalStops": 0, "OriginDestinationOption": [ { "FlightSegment": { "ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "BOM", "ArrivalDateTime": "2024-10-07 04:08:13", "CabinClassCode": "Y", "CabinClassText": "REGULAR FARE", "DepartureAirportLocationCode": "DEL", "DepartureDateTime": "2024-10-06 04:08:13", "Eticket": true, "FlightNumber": "5342", "JourneyDuration": 135, "MarketingAirlineCode": "6E", "MarketingAirlineName": "Indigo Airlines", "MarriageGroup": "", "MealCode": "", "OperatingAirline": { "Code": "6E", "Name": "Indigo Airlines", "Equipment": "320", "FlightNumber": "5342" } }, "ResBookDesigCode": "X", "ResBookDesigText": "REGULAR FARE", "SeatsRemaining": { "BelowMinimum": false, "Number": 4 }, "StopQuantity": 0, "StopQuantityInfo": { "ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "Duration": 0, "LocationCode": "" } } ] }, { "TotalStops": 0, "OriginDestinationOption": [ { "FlightSegment": { "ArrivalAirportLocationCode": "DEL", "ArrivalDateTime": "2024-10-07 04:08:13", "CabinClassCode": "Y", "CabinClassText": "REGULAR FARE", "DepartureAirportLocationCode": "BOM", "DepartureDateTime": "2024-10-06 04:08:13", "Eticket": true, "FlightNumber": "439", "JourneyDuration": 125, "MarketingAirlineCode": "6E", "MarketingAirlineName": "Indigo Airlines", "MarriageGroup": "", "MealCode": "", "OperatingAirline": { "Code": "6E", "Name": "Indigo Airlines", "Equipment": "320", "FlightNumber": "439" } }, "ResBookDesigCode": "X", "ResBookDesigText": "REGULAR FARE", "SeatsRemaining": { "BelowMinimum": false, "Number": 4 }, "StopQuantity": 0, "StopQuantityInfo": { "ArrivalDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "DepartureDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "Duration": 0, "LocationCode": "" } } ] } ], "RequiredFieldsToBook": [], "SequenceNumber": 1, "TicketType": "eTicket", "ValidatingAirlineCode": "6E" } }, "ExtraServices": { "Services": [ { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 3kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "18.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "1", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } 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"Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 10kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "61.90", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "5", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 10kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "61.90", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "6", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "92.85", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "7", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", 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"CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "11", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Check-in baggage - up to 30kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "185.70", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "12", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 8kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "19.81", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "13", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 8kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "19.81", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "14", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "37.14", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "15", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 15kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "37.14", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "16", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 30kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "74.28", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "17", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_INBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "International Connections baggage - up to 30kg ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "74.28", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "18", "Type": "BAGGAGE" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Muesli with yogurt (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "19", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "2 Dips with Baked Pita(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "20", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Samosa ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "2.48", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "21", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Banana chips ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.57", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "22", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "CASHEW (SALTED) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "5.32", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "23", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "UNIBIC CHOCOLATE CHIPS COOKIES - 50 GM ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "1.86", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "24", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Veg Trio Sandwich(NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "25", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Tomato Cucumber Cheese Lettuce Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "26", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Paneer Tikka Sandwich Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "4.95", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "27", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Non veg trio sandwich (NEW) ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "6.19", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "28", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "RAVA UPMA Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "3.40", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "29", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "POHA Combo ", "FlightDesignator": "", "IsMandatory": false, "Relation": "", "ServiceCost": { "Amount": "2.79", "CurrencyCode": "TRY", "DecimalPlaces": 2 }, "ServiceId": "30", "Type": "Meal" } }, { "Service": { "Behavior": "PER_PAX_OUTBOUND", "CheckInType": "AIRPORT", "Description": "Jain Meal ", 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