
Get Hotel Content

The Hotel Content API allows you to access the most current static descriptive and media content for hotels. Our API aggregates hotel content attributes from various suppliers, providing you with faster access to a comprehensive source of hotel information. The Hotel Content API returns basic details such as the hotel's name, address, rating, and images.

Retrieve Hotel Content for Specific Hotels

This API enables you to retrieve hotel content attributes for specific hotels across multiple suppliers.

Specific Hotel Content Request

Method URL
GET https://das.hotel.demircode.net/HotelAPI/hotelDetails?sessionId=<sessionId> &hotelId=<hotelId>&productId=trx104&tokenId=<tokenId>

Specific Hotel Content Elements

Element Format Description Required
hotelId String A unique hotel ID that retrieves specific hotel content. You can obtain the hotel ID from the `hotelId` field in the Hotel Search Results API's response REQUIRED
sessionId String Use the session ID that was returned in the Hotel Search Results API's response. REQUIRED
productId String Contains the Product ID used to obtain room options and rates for a specific hotel (`hotelId`). The list of Product IDs that successfully returned results can be found in the `productId` field in the Hotel Search Results API's response. REQUIRED
tokenId String Token ID from the search response. REQUIRED

Specific Hotel Content Response

  "hotelId": "882885",
  "name": "Delmon Palace Hotel",
  "address": "Al Rigga Road, Al Rigga RoadDeiraDubai, Dubai, PO21969, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates",
  "city": "Dubai",
  "postalCode": "0",
  "latitude": "25.2609897",
  "longitude": "55.3226453",
  "hotelRating": "4",
  "description": {
    "content": "The hotel is located nearby many interesting places in Dubai, such as Arabian shopping bazaars, cultural centres and more. It is accessible by both public and private transport and the nearest metro station Al Rigga is just 5 minutes away. The hotel is also close to the landmark Deira Clocktower and the shopping district."
  "facilities": [
    "24-hour reception",
    "Games room",
    "Conference Room",
    "Internet access",
    "WLAN access",
    "Laundry Service",
    "Car Park",
    "TV Room"
  "hotelImages": [
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/67/c936a5737e90b1a432738135c339dce4/176166.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/67/fb79626cce7af97e7e02be85c54274d6/176166.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/16/5a5582f106cc60b57f067cabe5718641/337878.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/20/35a4fb8feea838ab56ab5eb4bda52a74/AEKXNS.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/1/f47eb4e5995484660eb48e6f11f2f955/644187.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/1/470582727392976ff7ffeef6b88a6743/644187.jpg"

Otel İçeriğini Al

Otel İçeriği API'si, oteller için en güncel statik tanımlayıcı ve medya içeriğine erişmenizi sağlar. API'miz, çeşitli tedarikçilerden otel içerik özniteliklerini toplar, bu sayede kapsamlı bir otel bilgisi kaynağına daha hızlı erişim sağlarsınız. Otel İçeriği API'si, otelin adı, adresi, derecelendirmesi ve resimler gibi temel bilgileri döndürür.

Belirli Oteller İçin Otel İçeriğini Al

Bu API, birden fazla tedarikçiden belirli oteller için otel içerik özniteliklerini almanızı sağlar.

Belirli Otel İçeriği İsteği

Yöntem URL
GET https://das.hotel.demircode.net/HotelAPI/hotelDetails?sessionId=<sessionId> &hotelId=<hotelId>&productId=trx104&tokenId=<tokenId>

Belirli Otel İçeriği Elemanları

Element Format Açıklama Gerekli
hotelId String Belirli bir otel içeriğini almak için benzersiz otel kimliği. Otel kimliğini, Otel Arama Sonuçları API'sinin yanıtındaki `hotelId` alanından alabilirsiniz. GEREKLİ
sessionId String Otel Arama Sonuçları API'sinin yanıtında döndürülen oturum kimliğini kullanın. GEREKLİ
productId String Belirli bir otel (`hotelId`) için oda seçeneklerini ve fiyatlarını almak için kullanılan Ürün Kimliğini içerir. Başarıyla sonuç döndüren Ürün Kimliklerinin listesini, Otel Arama Sonuçları API'sinin yanıtındaki `productId` alanında bulabilirsiniz. GEREKLİ
tokenId String Arama yanıtından alınan Token Kimliği. GEREKLİ

Spesifik Otel İçeriği Yanıtı

  "hotelId": "882885",
  "name": "Delmon Palace Hotel",
  "address": "Al Rigga Road, Al Rigga RoadDeiraDubai, Dubai, PO21969, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates",
  "city": "Dubai",
  "postalCode": "0",
  "latitude": "25.2609897",
  "longitude": "55.3226453",
  "hotelRating": "4",
  "description": {
    "content": "The hotel is located nearby many interesting places in Dubai, such as Arabian shopping bazaars, cultural centres and more. It is accessible by both public and private transport and the nearest metro station Al Rigga is just 5 minutes away. The hotel is also close to the landmark Deira Clocktower and the shopping district."
  "facilities": [
    "24-hour reception",
    "Games room",
    "Conference Room",
    "Internet access",
    "WLAN access",
    "Laundry Service",
    "Car Park",
    "TV Room"
  "hotelImages": [
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/67/c936a5737e90b1a432738135c339dce4/176166.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/67/fb79626cce7af97e7e02be85c54274d6/176166.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/16/5a5582f106cc60b57f067cabe5718641/337878.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/20/35a4fb8feea838ab56ab5eb4bda52a74/AEKXNS.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/1/f47eb4e5995484660eb48e6f11f2f955/644187.jpg"
      "caption": "GEN",
      "url": "https://assets.cosmos-data.com/thumbnails/large/1/470582727392976ff7ffeef6b88a6743/644187.jpg"

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