
Errors And FAQ's

Error List

Access Error – The Access is not found or it has no Permission or you are using a test access and you need to pass the parameter test.

{"Errors":{"ErrorMessage":"No Access"}}

Missing Field – Some Mandatory parameters are missing in the request.

Internal Error – Any Unexpected error or errors due to Internal Services.

All Process Failed – This occurs when no options are returned, it may also be caused by wrong parameters in the API request. In the error response, you may can find the actual root cause.

Timeout – This occurs due to Connection Timeout.

Reference Not Exists – This occurs when the Booking reference provided not exists in the our database.

Invalid Session Id – When the Session expired, Authentication API must execute again to complete the Booking flow.

{"Errors":{"ErrorCode":"FLERSEA002","ErrorMessage":"Invalid SessionId"}}

FareSourceCode Expired – When the FareSourceCode not valid, customer unable to proceed Booking. Suggests to select an alternate airline. {"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"FareSourceCode is Expired”}}

Non-Availability while Booking

{"Errors":{"ErrorMessage":"Selected Airline & Fare are not available to book! Please select an alternate option!"}}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Host not responding - Unable to end the record.”}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Booking may be already ordered for ticket or ticketed or Cancelled.”}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed.”}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Pending airline PNR - Booking UnConfirmed.”}

{"ErrorCode":"FLERBUK083","ErrorMessage":"Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight.”}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult title is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid adult title, it should be Mr,Mrs,Miss”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult firstname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult lastname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Nationality is missing.”}}

{"Errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult DOB is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Adult DOB.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passports Number is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport issue country is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport expiry date is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Adult Passport expiry date.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport issue country code is invalid.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport expiry date is expired”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Title is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid child title, it should be Miss,Master”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child firstname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child lastName is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Nationality is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child DOB is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Child DOB.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child age should be less than 12 years.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passports Number is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport issue country is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport expiry date is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Child Passport expiry date.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport issue country code is invalid.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport expiry date is expired”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant Title is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid infant title, it should be Miss,Master”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant firstname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant lastName is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant Nationality is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant DOB is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Infant DOB.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant age should be less than 2 years.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Pax details not matched with search criteria”}}

Travel Dates Validation - {"Errors":{"ErrorMessage":"Travel date should be more than or equal to current date"}}


Wrong Field –A field or fields in the request are not correct.

Internal Error – Unexpected error from our server


1. Why we need to pass user_id, user_password,ip_address in each method after getting session_id from authenticate method?

To ensure the API account using by authorized customers in our server.

2. What does session_id means and what is the use of it in further request?

Session_id used to establish successful connection with Flight API.

3. Does your API provide default baggage details in search request?


4. What is the difference between base fare and equivalent amount in flight response?

Equivalent fare - It specifies the base fare. It will be returned in client country currency code. Base Fare - It specifies the base fare, with customer default API currency.

5. What is Faresourcecode and where to use it?

It specifies the unique code provided for the airline itinerary selected

6. How can I get terms & condition , Cancellation policies for selected flight?

From the Fare Rules will get it.

7. What is Revalidate method and why we need execute before Booking method?

To confirm the fare selected & to verify any updates in Fare Selected.

8. Which extra services provided by your API?

Extra Baggage purchase for LCC Carriers & Post Ticket requests.

9. Where I can get current status and all details of my booked flight?

From Trip Details method.

10. How can I get static contents like airline logos?

You can create the Airline logos.

Error Code List

Error Code Description Method
FLERAUTH001 Target cannot be null Authenticate
FLERAUTH002 UserName cannot be null Authenticate
FLERAUTH003 Password cannot be null Authenticate
FLERAUTH004 IP Address Cannot be Null Authenticate
FLERAUTH005 Invalid login credentials supplied Authenticate
FLERAUTH006 Invalid IP Address supplied Authenticate
FLERSEA001 SessionId cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA002 Invalid SessionId Search API
FLERSEA003 OriginDestinationInformations cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA004 TravelPreferences cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA005 OriginDestinationInformation cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA006 OriginLocationCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA007 Invalid OriginLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ Search API
FLERSEA008 DestinationLocationCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA009 Invalid DestinationLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ Search API
FLERSEA010 VendorPreferenceCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA011 Invalid VendorPreferenceCode. Should be two letter ailine code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$ Search API
FLERSEA012 VendorExcludeCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA013 Invalid VendorExcludeCode. Should be two letter ailine code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$ Search API
FLERSEA014 Invalid AirTripType. OneWay cannot have more than one OriginDestinationInformation. Search API
FLERSEA015 Invalid AirTripType. Return cannot have only two OriginDestinationInformation. Search API
FLERSEA016 Invalid AirTripType. OpenJaw or Circle should have two or more OriginDestinationInformation. Search API
FLERSEA017 PassengerTypeQuantities cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA018 PassengerTypeQuantity cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA019 There should be atleast one ADT passenger. Search API
FLERSEA020 You are not allowed to select multiple fare type for adult. Search API
FLERSEA021 Flights not found for the given search condition Search API
FLERSEA022 Travel date should be more than or equal to today Search API
FLERSEA023 Infant count should be less than Adults Search API
FLERSEA024 Adults and Children together should not be more than 9 Search API
FLERSEA025 The vendor doesn't support resident fare for this city pair. Search API
FLERSEA026 We don't support resident fare for multidestination. Search API
FLERSEA027 Sorry,you have reached the maximum search limit for the day. Search API
FLERFARE001 SessionId cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE002 FareSourceCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE003 Invalid FareSourceCode FareRules
FLERFARE004 FareInfo cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE005 OperatingAirlineCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE006 Invalid OperatingAirlineCode. Should be a valid two letter Airline code of format ^[0-9|A-Z][0-9|A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERFARE007 MarketingAirlineCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE008 DepartureAirportLocationCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE009 Invalid DepartureAirportLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERFARE010 ArrivalAirportLocationCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE011 Invalid ArrivalAirportLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERFARE012 Fare rules not available FareRules
FLERFARE013 Invalid SessionId FareRules
FLERFARE014 Invalid MarketingAirlineCode. Should be a valid two letter Airline code of format ^[0-9|A-Z][0-9|A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERREV001 SessionId cannot be null AirRevalidate
FLERREV002 Invalid SessionId AirRevalidate
FLERREV003 FareSourceCode cannot be null AirRevalidate
FLERREV004 Invalid FareSourceCode AirRevalidate
FLERREV005 Error in validating flight option. AirRevalidate
FLERBUK001 SessionId cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK002 Invalid SessionId Booking
FLERBUK003 FareSourceCode cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK004 TravelerInfo cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK005 AirTravelers cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK006 There should be atleast one traveller for Booking Booking
FLERBUK007 AirTraveler cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK008 PassengerName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK009 Adult Title is missing. Booking
FLERBUK010 Child Title is missing. Booking
FLERBUK011 Infant Title is missing. Booking
FLERBUK012 PassengerFirstName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK013 PassengerLastName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK014 PassportNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK015 Passport expiry date is not valid. Booking
FLERBUK016 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ Booking
FLERBUK017 PhoneNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK018 Invalid FareSourceCode Booking
FLERBUK019 TravelerInfo cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK020 AirTravelers cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK021 AirTraveler cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK022 PassengerTitle cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK023 Adult Title can be only LORD or MISS or MR or MRS or SIR Booking
FLERBUK024 Child Title can be only MISS or MSTR Booking
FLERBUK025 Infant Title can be only MISS or MSTR or INF Booking
FLERBUK026 PassengerFirstName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK027 Passanger FirstName cannot have special characters. Booking
FLERBUK028 PassengerLastName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK029 Passanger last name should be more than one character for this airline host Booking
FLERBUK030 Passanger LastName cannot have special characters. Booking
FLERBUK031 DateOfBirth cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK032 Invalid Child's Age. Should be less than or equal to 12 years Booking
FLERBUK033 Invalid Infant's Age. Should be less than or equal to 2 years. Booking
FLERBUK034 Date of birth is mandatory for Child and Infant. Booking
FLERBUK035 PassportNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK036 Passport expiry date is not valid. Booking
FLERBUK037 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ Booking
FLERBUK038 Passport details is required. Booking
FLERBUK039 PhoneNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK040 CountryCode cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK041 AreaCode cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK042 1 ADULT given while search but 0 ADULT information present in Booking request Booking
FLERBUK043 1 CHILD given while search but 0 CHILD information present in Booking request Booking
FLERBUK044 1 INFANT given while search but 0 INFANT information present in Booking request Booking
FLERBUK045 There should be atleast one traveller for Booking Booking
FLERBUK046 FareSourceCode has failed the Revalidation and is not valid to Book. Booking
FLERBUK047 Phone Number should contain only numbers. Booking
FLERBUK63 City element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK64 State element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK66 Country code entered in passport details is invalid. Booking
FLERBUK067 Passport number should be of format ^([0-9A-Za-z]+)$. Booking
FLERBUK069 Zip element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK070 BillingAddress element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK071 ComputerIP element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK076 Oops! The FareSourceCode belongs to the search results already used for a Booking. Please request fresh search results. Booking
FLERBUK078 You do not have sufficient balance in your account for Booking Booking
FLERBUK079 Booking Failed! Booking
FLERBUK080 Pending airline PNR - Booking UnConfirmed. Booking
FLERBUK081 Host not responding - Unable to end the record. Booking
FLERBUK082 Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed. Booking
FLERBUK083 Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight. Booking
FLERBUK084 Booking already exists! Booking
FLERBUK085 Host did not respond - Unable to complete the Book Request. Booking
FLERBUK086 Extra service requested quantity is more than the max available. ExtraServiceId 123 Booking
FLERBUK087 Booking is already in Progress. Booking
FLERBUK088 Only first passanger allowed to add extrasercices Booking
FLERBUK089 There is no Extra services for the given flight option. Booking
FLERBUK090 Invalid ExtraServiceId123 Booking
FLERBUK091 CustomerTitle element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK092 CustomerLastName element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK093 ResidentFareDocumentType details is required. Booking
FLERBUK094 ResidentFareDocumentType details is not required. Booking
FLERBUK095 Municipality cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK096 Municipality is not valid. Booking
FLERBUK097 DocumentNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK098 DocumentType cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK099 Invalid document type. Booking
FLERBUK100 PassengerName cannot be null. Booking
FLERBUK101 Booking already exists! Status: Ticket In Process. Booking
FLERBUK102 Name should not be more than 28 characters Booking
FLEROTK001 SessionId cannot be null OrderTicket
FLEROTK002 Invalid SessionId OrderTicket
FLEROTK003 UniqueID cannot be null OrderTicket
FLEROTK004 Invalid UniqueID. OrderTicket
FLEROTK005 Invalid FareSourceCode OrderTicket
FLEROTK006 Invalid Booking Reference number. OrderTicket
FLEROTK007 Booking may be already ordered for ticket or ticketed or Cancelled. OrderTicket
FLEROTK008 You do not have sufficient balance in your account to order the ticket. OrderTicket
FLEROTK009 The ticketing time limit has expired for the given Booking OrderTicket
FLERTDT001 SessionId cannot be null TripDetails
FLERTDT002 Invalid SessionId TripDetails
FLERTDT003 UniqueID cannot be null TripDetails
FLERTDT004 Invalid UniqueID. TripDetails
FLERTDT005 Trip details not found for given Booking reference number. TripDetails
FLERTDT006 There is no itinarary presents for selected criteria. TripDetails
FLERCBK001 SessionId cannot be null CancelBooking
FLERCBK002 Invalid SessionId CancelBooking
FLERCBK003 Invalid UniqueID. CancelBooking
FLERCBK004 UniqueID cannot be null CancelBooking
FLERCBK005 Cancellation Failed. CancelBooking
FLERCBK006 Webfares cannot be Cancelled. CancelBooking
FLERCBK007 Booking in Tkt-in-process or Ticketed Status - Cancellation Denied! Request Cancellation to contact@travelopro.com CancelBooking

Hatalar ve SSS'ler

Hata Listesi

Access Error – The Access is not found or it has no Permission or you are using a test access and you need to pass the parameter test.

{"Errors":{"ErrorMessage":"No Access"}}

Missing Field – Some Mandatory parameters are missing in the request.

Internal Error – Any Unexpected error or errors due to Internal Services.

All Process Failed – This occurs when no options are returned, it may also be caused by wrong parameters in the API request. In the error response, you may can find the actual root cause.

Timeout – This occurs due to Connection Timeout.

Reference Not Exists – This occurs when the Booking reference provided not exists in the our database.

Invalid Session Id – When the Session expired, Authentication API must execute again to complete the Booking flow.

{"Errors":{"ErrorCode":"FLERSEA002","ErrorMessage":"Invalid SessionId"}}

FareSourceCode Expired – When the FareSourceCode not valid, customer unable to proceed Booking. Suggests to select an alternate airline. {"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"FareSourceCode is Expired”}}

Non-Availability while Booking

{"Errors":{"ErrorMessage":"Selected Airline & Fare are not available to book! Please select an alternate option!"}}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Host not responding - Unable to end the record.”}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Booking may be already ordered for ticket or ticketed or Cancelled.”}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed.”}

{"ErrorCode":"","ErrorMessage":"Pending airline PNR - Booking UnConfirmed.”}

{"ErrorCode":"FLERBUK083","ErrorMessage":"Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight.”}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult title is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid adult title, it should be Mr,Mrs,Miss”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult firstname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult lastname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Nationality is missing.”}}

{"Errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult DOB is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Adult DOB.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passports Number is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport issue country is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport expiry date is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Adult Passport expiry date.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport issue country code is invalid.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Adult Passport expiry date is expired”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Title is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid child title, it should be Miss,Master”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child firstname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child lastName is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Nationality is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child DOB is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Child DOB.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child age should be less than 12 years.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passports Number is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport issue country is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport expiry date is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Child Passport expiry date.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport issue country code is invalid.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Child Passport expiry date is expired”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant Title is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid infant title, it should be Miss,Master”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant firstname is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant lastName is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant Nationality is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant DOB is missing.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Invalid Infant DOB.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Infant age should be less than 2 years.”}}

{"errors":{"errorMessage":"Pax details not matched with search criteria”}}

Travel Dates Validation - {"Errors":{"ErrorMessage":"Travel date should be more than or equal to current date"}}


Wrong Field –A field or fields in the request are not correct.

Internal Error – Unexpected error from our server


1. Neden authenticate metodundan `session_id` aldıktan sonra her metodda `user_id`, `user_password` ve `ip_address` bilgilerini geçmemiz gerekiyor ?

API hesabının yalnızca yetkilendirilmiş müşteriler tarafından kullanılmasını sağlamak için.

2. session_id ne anlama gelir ve daha sonraki isteklerde ne işe yarar ?

session_id, Flight API ile başarılı bir bağlantı kurmak için kullanılır.

3. API'niz arama isteğinde varsayılan bagaj detayları sağlıyor mu ?


4. Temel ücret ile uçuş yanıtındaki eşdeğer tutar arasındaki fark nedir ?

Eşdeğer ücret (Equivalent fare) - Temel ücreti belirtir ve müşteri ülkesinin para birimi kodunda döner. Temel ücret (Base Fare) - Temel ücreti belirtir ve müşteri varsayılan API para biriminde döner.

5. Faresourcecode nedir ve nerede kullanılır ?

Faresourcecode, seçilen hava yolu güzergahı için sağlanan benzersiz kodu belirtir.

6. Seçilen uçuş için şartlar ve koşullar ile iptal politikalarını nasıl alabilirim ?

Tarife Kuralları bölümünden alabilirsiniz.

7. Revalidate method nedir ve neden rezervasyon metodundan önce çalıştırılması gerekir ?

Seçilen tarife doğrulamak ve seçilen tarifede herhangi bir güncelleme olup olmadığını kontrol etmek için.

8. API'niz tarafından sağlanan ek hizmetler nelerdir ?

LCC taşıyıcıları için ekstra bagaj satın alma ve bilet sonrası istekler.

9. Rezervasyon yaptığım uçuşun güncel durumunu ve tüm ayrıntılarını nereden öğrenebilirim?

Seyahat Detayları metodundan.

10. Havayolu logoları gibi statik içerikleri nasıl alabilirim?

Havayolu logoları oluşturabilirsiniz.

Hata Kodu Listesi

Hata Kodu Açıklama Metot
FLERAUTH001 Target cannot be null Authenticate
FLERAUTH002 UserName cannot be null Authenticate
FLERAUTH003 Password cannot be null Authenticate
FLERAUTH004 IP Address Cannot be Null Authenticate
FLERAUTH005 Invalid login credentials supplied Authenticate
FLERAUTH006 Invalid IP Address supplied Authenticate
FLERSEA001 SessionId cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA002 Invalid SessionId Search API
FLERSEA003 OriginDestinationInformations cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA004 TravelPreferences cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA005 OriginDestinationInformation cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA006 OriginLocationCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA007 Invalid OriginLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ Search API
FLERSEA008 DestinationLocationCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA009 Invalid DestinationLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ Search API
FLERSEA010 VendorPreferenceCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA011 Invalid VendorPreferenceCode. Should be two letter ailine code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$ Search API
FLERSEA012 VendorExcludeCode cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA013 Invalid VendorExcludeCode. Should be two letter ailine code of format ^[A-Z|0-9][A-Z|0-9]$ Search API
FLERSEA014 Invalid AirTripType. OneWay cannot have more than one OriginDestinationInformation. Search API
FLERSEA015 Invalid AirTripType. Return cannot have only two OriginDestinationInformation. Search API
FLERSEA016 Invalid AirTripType. OpenJaw or Circle should have two or more OriginDestinationInformation. Search API
FLERSEA017 PassengerTypeQuantities cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA018 PassengerTypeQuantity cannot be null Search API
FLERSEA019 There should be atleast one ADT passenger. Search API
FLERSEA020 You are not allowed to select multiple fare type for adult. Search API
FLERSEA021 Flights not found for the given search condition Search API
FLERSEA022 Travel date should be more than or equal to today Search API
FLERSEA023 Infant count should be less than Adults Search API
FLERSEA024 Adults and Children together should not be more than 9 Search API
FLERSEA025 The vendor doesn't support resident fare for this city pair. Search API
FLERSEA026 We don't support resident fare for multidestination. Search API
FLERSEA027 Sorry,you have reached the maximum search limit for the day. Search API
FLERFARE001 SessionId cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE002 FareSourceCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE003 Invalid FareSourceCode FareRules
FLERFARE004 FareInfo cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE005 OperatingAirlineCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE006 Invalid OperatingAirlineCode. Should be a valid two letter Airline code of format ^[0-9|A-Z][0-9|A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERFARE007 MarketingAirlineCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE008 DepartureAirportLocationCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE009 Invalid DepartureAirportLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERFARE010 ArrivalAirportLocationCode cannot be null FareRules
FLERFARE011 Invalid ArrivalAirportLocationCode. Should be three letter airport or city code of format ^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERFARE012 Fare rules not available FareRules
FLERFARE013 Invalid SessionId FareRules
FLERFARE014 Invalid MarketingAirlineCode. Should be a valid two letter Airline code of format ^[0-9|A-Z][0-9|A-Z]$ FareRules
FLERREV001 SessionId cannot be null AirRevalidate
FLERREV002 Invalid SessionId AirRevalidate
FLERREV003 FareSourceCode cannot be null AirRevalidate
FLERREV004 Invalid FareSourceCode AirRevalidate
FLERREV005 Error in validating flight option. AirRevalidate
FLERBUK001 SessionId cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK002 Invalid SessionId Booking
FLERBUK003 FareSourceCode cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK004 TravelerInfo cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK005 AirTravelers cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK006 There should be atleast one traveller for Booking Booking
FLERBUK007 AirTraveler cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK008 PassengerName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK009 Adult Title is missing. Booking
FLERBUK010 Child Title is missing. Booking
FLERBUK011 Infant Title is missing. Booking
FLERBUK012 PassengerFirstName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK013 PassengerLastName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK014 PassportNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK015 Passport expiry date is not valid. Booking
FLERBUK016 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ Booking
FLERBUK017 PhoneNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK018 Invalid FareSourceCode Booking
FLERBUK019 TravelerInfo cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK020 AirTravelers cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK021 AirTraveler cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK022 PassengerTitle cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK023 Adult Title can be only LORD or MISS or MR or MRS or SIR Booking
FLERBUK024 Child Title can be only MISS or MSTR Booking
FLERBUK025 Infant Title can be only MISS or MSTR or INF Booking
FLERBUK026 PassengerFirstName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK027 Passanger FirstName cannot have special characters. Booking
FLERBUK028 PassengerLastName cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK029 Passanger last name should be more than one character for this airline host Booking
FLERBUK030 Passanger LastName cannot have special characters. Booking
FLERBUK031 DateOfBirth cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK032 Invalid Child's Age. Should be less than or equal to 12 years Booking
FLERBUK033 Invalid Infant's Age. Should be less than or equal to 2 years. Booking
FLERBUK034 Date of birth is mandatory for Child and Infant. Booking
FLERBUK035 PassportNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK036 Passport expiry date is not valid. Booking
FLERBUK037 Country should be of format ^([A-Z][A-Z])$ Booking
FLERBUK038 Passport details is required. Booking
FLERBUK039 PhoneNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK040 CountryCode cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK041 AreaCode cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK042 1 ADULT given while search but 0 ADULT information present in Booking request Booking
FLERBUK043 1 CHILD given while search but 0 CHILD information present in Booking request Booking
FLERBUK044 1 INFANT given while search but 0 INFANT information present in Booking request Booking
FLERBUK045 There should be atleast one traveller for Booking Booking
FLERBUK046 FareSourceCode has failed the Revalidation and is not valid to Book. Booking
FLERBUK047 Phone Number should contain only numbers. Booking
FLERBUK63 City element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK64 State element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK66 Country code entered in passport details is invalid. Booking
FLERBUK067 Passport number should be of format ^([0-9A-Za-z]+)$. Booking
FLERBUK069 Zip element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK070 BillingAddress element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK071 ComputerIP element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK076 Oops! The FareSourceCode belongs to the search results already used for a Booking. Please request fresh search results. Booking
FLERBUK078 You do not have sufficient balance in your account for Booking Booking
FLERBUK079 Booking Failed! Booking
FLERBUK080 Pending airline PNR - Booking UnConfirmed. Booking
FLERBUK081 Host not responding - Unable to end the record. Booking
FLERBUK082 Pending Need - Awaiting carrier response - Booking Unconfirmed. Booking
FLERBUK083 Unable to confirm - Request an alternate flight. Booking
FLERBUK084 Booking already exists! Booking
FLERBUK085 Host did not respond - Unable to complete the Book Request. Booking
FLERBUK086 Extra service requested quantity is more than the max available. ExtraServiceId 123 Booking
FLERBUK087 Booking is already in Progress. Booking
FLERBUK088 Only first passanger allowed to add extrasercices Booking
FLERBUK089 There is no Extra services for the given flight option. Booking
FLERBUK090 Invalid ExtraServiceId123 Booking
FLERBUK091 CustomerTitle element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK092 CustomerLastName element is missing. Booking
FLERBUK093 ResidentFareDocumentType details is required. Booking
FLERBUK094 ResidentFareDocumentType details is not required. Booking
FLERBUK095 Municipality cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK096 Municipality is not valid. Booking
FLERBUK097 DocumentNumber cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK098 DocumentType cannot be null Booking
FLERBUK099 Invalid document type. Booking
FLERBUK100 PassengerName cannot be null. Booking
FLERBUK101 Booking already exists! Status: Ticket In Process. Booking
FLERBUK102 Name should not be more than 28 characters Booking
FLEROTK001 SessionId cannot be null OrderTicket
FLEROTK002 Invalid SessionId OrderTicket
FLEROTK003 UniqueID cannot be null OrderTicket
FLEROTK004 Invalid UniqueID. OrderTicket
FLEROTK005 Invalid FareSourceCode OrderTicket
FLEROTK006 Invalid Booking Reference number. OrderTicket
FLEROTK007 Booking may be already ordered for ticket or ticketed or Cancelled. OrderTicket
FLEROTK008 You do not have sufficient balance in your account to order the ticket. OrderTicket
FLEROTK009 The ticketing time limit has expired for the given Booking OrderTicket
FLERTDT001 SessionId cannot be null TripDetails
FLERTDT002 Invalid SessionId TripDetails
FLERTDT003 UniqueID cannot be null TripDetails
FLERTDT004 Invalid UniqueID. TripDetails
FLERTDT005 Trip details not found for given Booking reference number. TripDetails
FLERTDT006 There is no itinarary presents for selected criteria. TripDetails
FLERCBK001 SessionId cannot be null CancelBooking
FLERCBK002 Invalid SessionId CancelBooking
FLERCBK003 Invalid UniqueID. CancelBooking
FLERCBK004 UniqueID cannot be null CancelBooking
FLERCBK005 Cancellation Failed. CancelBooking
FLERCBK006 Webfares cannot be Cancelled. CancelBooking
FLERCBK007 Booking in Tkt-in-process or Ticketed Status - Cancellation Denied! Request Cancellation to contact@travelopro.com CancelBooking

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